Meet Sophie

In an increasingly polarised world,
appreciating differences becomes of the utmost importance.

Acceptance and openness are two essential aspects of social relations for the future of humanity. Quoting Albert Einstein, “Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding”.


My name is Sophie Vériter, but my friends call me Pomme. 

I seek ways of making the world a better place by incorporating insights from my experiences and research. My passion for life-long learning has led me to draw lessons from worldwide travel, connections with international communities, and a decade in academia. 

I graduated with a MPhil from the University of Oxford and have conducted research connecting various disciplines to better understand how we can optimise global information systems. I’m interested by the intersections between politics, international relations, security, technology, communications, and democracy. 

I have accumulated have 7+ years of experience as a consultant in public diplomacy, strategic communication, and international security. Former clients include: European Commission (DG NEAR), Royal Military Academy of Belgium, NATO Centre of Excellence.

I am currently completing a PhD at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. There, I write on disinformation, policy-making, and strategic politics and teach undergraduate students. Some of my top priorities are promoting diversity, inclusivity, and life-long learning at work.

Whilst I am very passionate about my professional career, it is also very important for me to find ways of replenishing and resting. This helps me be a more innovative and motivated person. Some have called me a chameleon for my capacity to adapt and showcase different aspects of my personality… I think connecting with empathy and keeping a curious mind is what helps me transform continuously. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been entrepreneurial and creative. I absolutely love to try and learn new things. 

I live between The Hague (Netherlands) and Tulum (Mexico). I fill my free time by exploring nature, practicing yoga, and listening to electronic music. I consider myself an enthusiastic feminist and self-care advocate. Learning about trauma healing and psychology allows me to expand my academic perspectives. I am convinced that we can optimise the way we communicate with each other and ultimately understand our collective existence on earth.

Recent Academic Publications

What does a PhD candidate do exactly?

PhD candidates pursue a degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the highest academic diploma. They must produce original research to expand the boundaries of knowledge in their field (mine is Politics and International Relations).

At Leiden University, I am employed to produce scientific research and provide teaching support at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. My research consists in collecting data, analysing it, and transferring that knowledge in different formats. I have published in scientific journals, monographs, and online publications. I teach university classes on academic writing and global governance. I regularly participate in conferences, deliver guest lectures, and moderate public events.

Recently, my work has focused on European foreign and security policy, disinformation, technology, democracy, and relations with Ukraine and Russia. In my PhD thesis, I look at the evolution of information “order” and why/how it has come to be perceived as a matter of security, focusing on European counter-disinformation policies. I reveal the strategies used by (small) states to influence policy-making and examine their implications on society and democracy.


for a monthly round-up of the latest advances in technology and global affairs, tips to thrive in academia, resources to support your personal growth, and more!

Committed to Impact

It is essential for me to transfer the knowledge and skills I’ve gained into practice. Alongside my studies, several activities help me make an impact:


As part of the Europaeum Scholars programme, I built a social enterprise together with 8 other researchers. Level Up aims to improve democracy in Europe through gamification.


I offer personal coaching services to individuals seeking to improve their personal and professional lives, specialising in supporting students and digital nomads.


I contribute to The Hague Journal of Diplomacy as their Book Review Editor. In that role, I have actively emphasised feminist work and inclusive outlooks on diplomacy and global affairs.

Policy Analysis

I have been associated with the Global Governance Institute and The Hague Program on International Cyber Security for policy-oriented research projects about Ukraine and mis/disinformation. For three years, I supported Oxford University’s “Europe’s Stories” project, which explores narratives about Europe. 

Strategic Communication

I worked as a Consultant for the EU’s largest public diplomacy programme. Over two years, I created a launched the ‘Young European Ambassadors‘ initiative active in the EU, UK, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine – now flagship activity of DG NEAR (European Commission).

Purpose-driven work

My passion for social transformation has always driven my work and studies. I firmly believe that our world is currently at a crossroads of innovation and ideological renewal. The changes we make in the following decades will have a crucial impact on the next generations of humanity.

I am convinced that embracing our complexity and diversity (of identity, cognition, race, ethnicity, …) is crucial to help us progress as societies. As Wellbeing, Inclusion, Diversity, and Equal Opportunities Representative at Leiden University, I strive to make difficult conversations more integral part of our daily lives. I advocate and create systems for local change among our community. 

My broader objectives are to contribute to new forms of democratic participation, conscious global communication, and more accessible means of education.

Digital Talks

Europaeum Scholars

I was selected to join the Europaeum Network, which connects scholars across 18 leading European universities. Together with other ambitious PhD candidates, we collaboratively design original policy recommendations to shape the future of Europe. Our cohort meets every three months in a different location. We exchange with renowned scientists, social entrepreneurs, public institutions, cultural figures, philosophers, and more.

Travel Experience

Having lived in 5 countries and visited more than 30, solo or with friends, I consider myself an experienced traveller.

I have always had a passion for discovering new places, cultures, and people. When I turned 18, I decided to leave my home country, Belgium, to study in Spain. This instilled a passion for travel I carried with me ever since.

I have visited Europe extensively, from North to South and West to East. In my previous public diplomacy role, I went on regular missions for the EU to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine. Some of my favourite recent vacation trips included Morocco, Italy, Bali, Greece, and Israel.

I have recently ventured to explore farther parts of the world, including Asia, North America, and Central America. Their breathtaking landscapes and unique cultures have brought me closer to earth and reinvigorated my will to contribute to global justice, especially climate justice.


Growing up in a modest background and a turbulent family, I developed resilience from an early age. Challenges have arisen throughout my life, which made me determined to seek and create a life that would allow freedom, health, and happiness.

With time, I learned to embrace challenges as learning experiences. I discovered that my vulnerabilities could be an advantage, as they make me uniquely strong.

What is this website about?

In today’s digital world, it is extremely easy to linger in echo-chambers — i.e. bubbles of people who think similarly. It is particularly important to connect with others beyond such bubbles to achieve meaningful impact and learn from diverse perspectives.

Diversity enriches our understanding of the world and, therefore, the solution we can come up with to improve it! This is what I strive to achieve through my work, travel, and online community. As Sophie Pomme, I leave aside the seriousness of my work to connect with individuals beyond academia and policy-making circles.

I believe in a more inclusive, direct, and democratic global society. Community-based outlooks which focus on future generations are urgently needed; however, individual profit and comfort is often prioritised over public good. I hope to contribute to healing humanity by developing more conscious global means of education and communication.

For this reason, I want to provide resources to:

  • young scholars pursuing their dreams in academia
  • global travellers seeking to better understand the world
  • life-long learners who seek new knowledge & skills

Sophie in the media

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