Embarking on an academic career is scary. It’s stepping onto a path where professional and personal growth intertwine, shaping not only the scholar you become but the person you evolve into. Over the course of a decade in the world of universities and research, I’ve gathered precious lessons which have helped me adopt a growth mindset and achieve my objectives. These 32 wisdom lessons I’ve collected along the way encapsulate the heart of my academic journey—a mosaic of experiences, failures, successes, and revelations.
From the corridors of Oxford University to the solitude of late-night studies in Brussels and the many work trips around Europe, each lesson represents a beacon of guidance acquired through introspection, curiosity, and exchange. It’s humbled me in many ways (for every success you see, there are invisible failures). It thought me to embrace myself and uncertainty. To harness my creativity. To be critical, but confident. To approach new experiences with an open mind. To solve problems. To build systems, models, networks.
The lessons shared here transcends disciplines, resonating with anyone dedicated to growth, learning, and understanding. May they not only enrich your intellectual endeavours but also inspire a broader perspective on life’s complexities, offering a tapestry of insights that extend far beyond the realm of academia itself.
Even the 'best' of people make mistakes, and even the 'worst' of people have some good points. That’s because nothing is ever fully black or white. Nobody is ever 100% right or wrong, and once you see that there’s always something to learn, you can only get better.
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- Thinking that you are smarter than others is one of the biggest mistake you can make.
- Learning to connect and compare ideas is more important than remembering facts.
- Nobody truly understands exactly how the world works, not scientists, not billionaires, not politicians. Because no individual can grasp that complexity alone.
- There is always a learning opportunity, there is always a positive outcome, when you’re ready to see it.
- Imposter syndrome affects everyone. Remember that even the most accomplished people have moments of self-doubt—it’s part of the journey.
- Even the ‘best’ of people make mistakes, and even the ‘worst’ of people have some good points. That’s because nothing is ever fully black or white. Nobody is ever 100% right or wrong, and once you see that there’s always something to learn, you can only get better.
- Building systems, developing habits, and planning deep rest will transform your career. Try it.
- What makes you different is what makes you great. Embrace it, nurture it, it is your greatest strength.
- Invest in self-care. Mental and physical well-being are foundational to your progress. Taking care of yourself will fuel your intellectual and professional pursuits.
- Your mind is incredibly powerful and you are in control. If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything.
- Adaptability is your best friend. The landscape of knowledge is constantly evolving; those who embrace change thrive.
- You don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Your insecurity is what’s making you think you are not enough.
- Vulnerability and sensitivity are superpowers.
- I’ve met many stupid people with a graduate degree and many very smart people with no degree qualification at all. Access to education does not reflect intelligence.
- When you you’ve hit rock bottom, remember there is only one way out, it’s up.
- The cost of not trying is much higher than trying and failing. Be brave, you’ve got this.
- Learning about yourself, your deepest fears, and trauma is hard but incredibly rewarding. The more you know yourself, the better you can harness your uniqueness.
- You want to be great at something? Prepare to fail again, again, and again.
- Confidence is inversely correlated with knowledge. Arrogance is a bullshit red flag.
- Pursuing a career in academia is not going to make you rich, but it certainly will make you very critical of everything you see and hear. In an increasingly artificial world, that’s a crucial skill.
- Collaboration fuels innovation. In academia and elsewhere, diverse perspectives often lead to breakthroughs you might never achieve on your own.
- Time management is an art. Don’t hesitate to explore the boundaries of your creativity when it comes to productivity.
- Ethics matter profoundly. The world needs more humble and empathetic people.
- Feedback is a gift, even when it’s tough to hear. Constructive criticism helps you refine your ideas and grow.
- Planning is essential, but seizing opportunities when they present themselves is just as important.
- Writing isn’t just a means of communication; it’s a tool for refining your thoughts. Regular writing sharpens your intellect and enhances your ability to articulate complex ideas.
- Academia is full of insecure people seeking to prove their worth to themselves or others.
- Networking isn’t just about building connections; it’s about fostering meaningful relationships. Genuine interactions can lead to mutual learning, collaborative opportunities, and lifelong friendships.
- Presentation skills are vital. Communicating your ideas effectively is just as important as the ideas themselves.
- Your intuition can be a powerful guide if and only if you learn to differentiate well between your emotions.
- Embrace uncertainty. Not having all the answers is okay; it keeps the flame of curiosity alive and propels your quest for knowledge.
- Celebrate your achievements, big and small. Amid the pursuit of grand discoveries, don’t forget to acknowledge the small victories that pave the way.
Pursuing a career in academia is not going to make you rich, but it certainly will make you very critical of everything you see and hear. In an increasingly artificial world, that’s a crucial skill.
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Some final thoughts...
As I look back on a decade of academic career, these wisdom lessons stand as tributes to the profound tapestry that learning and growth weave together. Through triumphs and stumbles, quiet introspection and dynamic collaboration, each lesson contributed to my journey, a roadmap for those who wish to make the most out of their time at university. Remember, it’s not just the facts and theories that mold the academic spirit; it’s the humility to accept that true wisdom lies in the pursuit, not just the destination.
As I reach a milestone in this knowledge odyssey, and slowly prepare to embrace the next, I extend these lessons to you with the hope that they guide your own path with newfound clarity and inspiration.

Let's dive in together!
I would love to accompany you on your journey to academic excellence. Together, we’ll define your goals and materialise those into a concrete plan of action.
My experience builds on a decade in academia and numerous experiences leading research projects and working in teams of ambitious individuals seeking to make a difference to this world, without sacrificing their health and happiness.
Academic Coaching • Goals Setting • Career Advice • CV feedback • Personal Growth • Productivity